How to Know You May Be Drinking Too Much

An occasional glass of beer can be a great way to ease off after a long day. It is also good for spicing up a party or get-together with friends, as with many other treats, alcohol is best enjoyed in moderation. Medical experts advise that men should not exceed two drinks in one day, and […]
How You Can Get the Best from a Company Like Us

The taste of the pudding is in the eating’, or maybe since we specialise in brewing, ‘The taste of the brewing is in the drinking’. The point is, our relationship doesn’t have to get tied to just drinking our products. You can position yourself to get much more from us, and we’re not talking liquid […]
Five Health Benefits of Malt Drinks

When we mention malt drinks, many Nigerians think of one thing – those drinks that come in bottles or cans, served to special visitors or on august occasions. As correct as this may be, malt drinks are much more than that. A malt drink is any beverage made from sprouted barley (or any other whole […]
How to Make the Most Out of Your Beer

All the beautiful potential brewed into beer and you choose to have yours in the most mundane way possible? Sad! Well, lucky for you, we’ve come ‘beering’ salvation for your drinking experience. We’d sleep better at night knowing that one more beer-faithful has seen the light. Here’s the thing, there’s a lot more to beer […]
Five Tips to Follow in Choosing the Perfect Drinks for an Occasion

This is Nigeria and we love occasions, no doubt about that. We are naturally festive people, and we never pass up the opportunity to throw a party or go for an owambe. When you are the guest, you expect to turn up for the delicious food, chilled evergreen drinks, and the gbedu! You expect no […]